Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The willow tree.

[Opening shots, really slow pans of a forest area, shots focused specifically on willow tee]

[RR3 approaches from forest to the side of the tree. It is shown through the way that he travels that he is familiar with his surroundings. Upon entering the clearing he sits down at the base of the willow tree, and lets out an incredibly long *sigh*. For the first few minutes not a word is said, RR3 just sits against the tree with his eyes closed, taking deep, slow breathes. An eerie music track lifts out of the background (Search for Delicious- Panda Bear) and a shot from behind RR3’s eyelids is shown, as he opens them it reveals that his surroundings have taken on a different appearance/colouring. Trees are much more present or “vivid”.]

Willow- That took you a while this time… have the troubles and tries of your pointless life clouded you?

RR3- I wish you wouldn’t talk like that… it’s not as easy for me to just let things “blow through my leaves”.

Willow-… What feeds your concern with your silly lifes problems? What ties you to these stresses and complications? Memories… things you’ve been taught or told to worry about. You know what I’ve been taught?

RR3- …

Willow- Nothing. I was born. I knew I had to eat… from there all I had to was grow and watch the world go by. I know what I am.. You humans are so consumed with what you’ve been told you have to do or what you have to be, that you never just…be.

RR3- *chuckles*, if only it were that easy.

Willow- Until you accept it… I guess it never will be.
[With a forceful sound, RR3 sits up from the tree, frustrated, and begins to walk away. As he’s leaving the tree colours begin to return to the normal, “breaking the haze”. The willow is shown lonely and silent, a sequence of shots representing the passing of night is shown till a new day has begun.]

[Shot of RR3 waking up in the morning and going about his day to day business, a narration starts]

RR3- I guess I started talking with the willow about a year ago, for a majority of my schooling the willow was a place where I’d go to get away… to throw the mental off switch, if you will. Money, friends, relationships…life in general, for some reason I get extremely overwhelmed with life’s problems. The willow was the only place I’d feel okay. It was somewhere where I could sit and just… and breath, just feel myself as an animal… a dumb fucking animal. It was when I really got in tune with this idea that the willow started to talk. It wasn’t really frightening to me, its voice would make me feel relaxed.. My fear would melt off… some night’s I’d be out in the forest till the early hours of the morning, but never once did I feel afraid.

[After a sequence of the day to day life of RR3, he is shown returning to the forest, the narration continues]

RR3- Though the willow has a thorough understanding of many of my problems, there’s some areas it can’t seem to grasp. It doesn’t understand the needs and expectations of a person in today’s society. It seems to think the best solution to any problem is to forget it… to ignore everything and just drift, let everything pass you by and calmly watch it as it goes . I shouldn’t expect it to understand really, it’s never had to actually accomplish anything.

[Again RR3 is sitting underneath the tree. A shot circulating him and the tree takes place as he breathes and the colours start to make the shift again. The two of them are silent until RR3 finally speaks]

RR3- I know I don’t really have to say this, but I’m sorry about yesterday. I’m out of it these days…

Buries his best friend under tree, then plants himself knee deep in the ground below it, shot revealing other kids approaching tree.

Fades to black, eerie music playing, fades back in to several kids all planted around the tree as dusk fills the sky.

Ends on a peaceful vibe.

When he kills his best friend the visual tones of conversing with the tree take over again, as if he’s accomplished it for himself.

Friends come and bury things that trouble them, like wallets ect.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A helping hand would help my hands.

So I got a urinary track infection.

Pat- So I got a urinary track infection..

Filing Cabinet- How'd you swing that one?

Pat- From sitting when I take a piss...something to do with improper drainage.

Coffee Mug- ...why do you sit while you piss?

Pat- OH! It's a great time to relax and assess the days events.

[Flashback scene of Pat in bathroom stall filing out a colouring book, with an assortment of crayons and pencils, laughing wildly.]

[Return to blank stares around the room.]

Coffee Mug- (Breaks silence with an obviously awkward tone) Oh look! Here comes Jerry looking chipper as ever! Always a grin on that boy!

Pat- Him and the Mrs.‘s had another falling out, I’m sure he'll have a story or two for us.

Jerry- Have I got a story for you!

Coffee Mug- Do tell good sir!

Jerry- (Grabs a cup of coffee, loosens his belt, and sits down with a *thud*) It's Tuesday night, right around 6:58PM, and I'm in the bathroom having one hell of a time crunching out a shit. Keep getting those little Mc`nuggets, much similar to handful of pebbles.

[Shot of everyone in the room understandingly nodding]

[Shot of Jerry in bathroom doing as explained.]

Jerry- So as I’m sitting there waiting to pass go again, I begin to think about those nuggets of shit… and I mean really think. I start to wonder why they won't just… stick together and come out of my asshole as one. Now I'm high as trees so I proceed to get off the toilet, bend over and confront my shit(s) directly.

[Returning shot to everyone sitting in the office]

Pat- What the fuck?!…You were talking to your shit?

Jerry- You shut your fucking mouth, or the next time I'm squeezing off some conversation around here, I'll be wiping with one of your fucking colouring books!

[Shot returns to flashback]

Jerry- Now where were we… right, so I’m bent over offering my analytical side to the ol' porcelain ear drum, when who of all people bursts in the god damn door!…. Sally!

[Quick swinging shot from Jerry at the toilet to Sally standing in the door looking horrified]

(Upon the introduction of Sally, there’s a quick returning shot to the room. At this point Edward, a fellow employee, bursts in the door, violently slams a tub of margarine on the table, unzips his fly and reaches into his pants)

Jerry- (Points towards Edward) Not now Ed.

[ 4 lines above this should all take place in about a 5 second time span ]

[Quickly returns to flashback scene]

Jerry- In a burst of panic I resort to a childlike instinct and immediately rush to cover what I’m doing with my hands... as if to hide it... or something? I certainly didn’t think it through as much as I should have, because when I pulled my hands up they were covered in shit.

Things to include still:

- Wife vomits, over-exaggerated reaction, slips in her puke, hits head of sink, gets knocked out, laying in puddle of puke/blood.

- Kids and/or their grandparents come home to find sally covered in puke bleeding and Jerry staring at her with shit on his hands.

-Kids/Grandparents end up in the shit/puke and blood mess, dog come home…something to that effect. Follow the pattern of events in Godzuki by Sufjan Stevens.

A start? A finish? A bowl of spinach.